Refugee Response (New)

We have registered with the Sanctuary Foundation who will be working with the government to match people with individuals, churches and community groups either as hosts or as sponsors. As the humanitarian sponsorship route is clarified they will be in touch to let us know how we can further support those in need. They are running an online event on “How to Welcome Ukrainian Refugees” on Wednesday 16th at 7:30pm. You can sign up to the event here.

The current procedure for those who are able to host a refugee (or family) requires that you know a named individual from Ukraine.The scheme will then be expanded with the support of charities, community groups and churches who can help with matching refugees to hosts. We have begun to make enquiries with a church in Poland in connection with Marta Kowalska who many of you will remember as she worshipped with us for a number of years while she lived with Robbie Cook. Her church is in contact with a number of refugees and so they may be able to provide details for us to sponsor named individuals.

In order to be prepared for the expansion of the scheme we would like to ask that anyone who is able and willing to offer a rent-free space in their home, or a separate residence, for at least six months to let us know by responding to this email. Please include how many people you would be able to host. This does not entail a full commitment at this stage but will help give us an idea of how many Ukrainian families we are likely to be able to help. The procedure of matching hosts with individuals is not straightforward and there will be an official process of matching individuals with hosts that are able to care with basic needs and any additional needs such as emotional and psychological distress.

While we will work with the Sanctuary foundation we would also encourage individuals who are able to host people to also register their interest on the government’s website.

It is also worth considering registering with some other charities which work in this area including:

– Refugees at Home, a charity connecting refugees and hosts online

– Room for Refugees, which has previously settled unaccompanied child refugees with families in the UK

– Shelter 4 Ukraine, a Ukrainian-run service which registers hosts and refugees

– Reset, which has run a community sponsorship scheme for refugees since 2018



We have the duty of care. We must never forget that the prime Christian virtue is that of love. We need to lift up to our heavenly Father all those, whether in Ukraine or in Russia, who are caught up in this conflict. But we must be prepared to do more than just simply pray. Although much of the suffering will be beyond our immediate aid, there will in the days ahead be opportunities for practical giving and caring. There must be a temptation for people to try to ignore the news and try to forget what is happening. We who are Christians do not have this option. We need to be involved.

iHere is a non-exhaustive list of organisations that are asking for assistance. Donations can be made through the links to their websites or social media pages. There are already organisations on the ground who are in Ukraine and need help and support — through prayers, finances and man-power — to help Ukrainians affected by Russia’s attacks. Ukrainians have already put together a list of resources on how foreigners can help. You can see their full list here.

Samaritans Purse

Samaritans Purse are supporting organisations and church communities on the Romanian-Ukrainian border in providing first aid to refugees. They are also distributing of backpacks including hygiene items and blankets to refugees arriving in Germany. Find our more here.

Bible Society

Churches in Ukraine are asking for your help. As the crisis around them shocks the world, they continue to serve their communities. Our team in Ukraine are supporting the Church as they reach out with Bibles and humanitarian aid, sharing the love and power of God’s word. Find our more here.

Ukraine Christian Ministries

This organisation is supporting local churches throughout Ukraine that are receiving hundreds of displaced people who need places to stay and basic essentials. With the Russian military escalating their attacks, thousands of people are on the move and churches are providing accommodation and basic needs. Donations are needed for food, bedding, medicines and other essentials. Find our more here.

Voices of Children

The Ukrainian organisation’s Charitable Foundation helps provide psychological and psychosocial support to children affected by the armed conflict, according to its website. Voices of Children’s efforts of support for kids include art therapy, video storytelling, providing mobile psychologists and even individual help for families. Find our more here.

Care & Relief for the Young (CRY)

CRY is a Christian children’s charity which believes in a world where all children and young people are able to fulfil their God-given potential. CRY have been supporting projects serving marginalised children and families across Ukraine for the last 25 years. Before the invasion they supported fostering programmes for displaced children.

In the current devastating conflict, the lives of their project partners and the families they support are in danger. CRY are raising funds to aid in the provision of essential supplies and transport to safety. Tens of thousands of civilians have already been forced to flee and leave everything they know out of fear for their lives. Find our more here.

Ukraine Christian Partnership

Ukraine Christian Partnership (UCP) is a partnership between two UK churches and the Transcarpathia region of Ukraine. Since 2011 they have worked with a group of small villages near both the Romanian and Hungarian borders. With the current conflict, the partnership has never been more relevant.  

There is a desperate need now for shelter, food and safety for the Ukrainian people who are fleeing the war. The centres in the villages can accommodate up to 450 refugees at a cost of 7-8 euros per day for food, toiletries, temporary accommodation (including heating and security). Find our more here.

Ukrainian Red Cross

The British Red Cross has launched an emergency appeal to help Ukraine. The charity will be updating its webpage with news on the work its team is doing, and how support will be used to help people. Find our more here.


The Slavic Gospel Association have been planning with local churches to mobilize resources ready to receive refugees and offer Christlike love and care. SGA continues to also support 35 missionary families carrying on Gospel ministry and are all now under some degree of threat. Many are staying put, convinced of the need to witness in the eye of the storm and trusting in our Sovereign God to protect them as they administer the relief effort. Find our more here.

Hope Lebedyn

Pastor Sergey Ovcharenko, with the support of Hope Lebedyn, started a small church in an old school building near Sumy in the northeast section of Ukraine. Their mission is to share the gospel and provide real care for those in severe need. Despite an incredibly challenging time, the team continue to shine a light in the darkness.  (Read more here from Peter Martin, Founding Director). Donations to their Emergency Appeal will be used to help the immediate needs of refugees and to equip the team to rebuild and expand the work in the community. Find our more here.


We need to be aware. In many ways this is a wake-up call for the church. We have followed too closely the philosophy of the world that there is nothing so seriously wrong with human beings that science and prosperity will not cure. This invasion of Ukraine demonstrates the sad truth that human beings are inclined to abuse power and privilege and that only the grace of God in Christ can truly bring peace. We have been inclined to consider evil to belong to fantasy realms such as Narnia and Middle-Earth. The sad reality is that evil, whether subtle or blatant, is present in our world.

We can use well established news sources to be informed and aware of what is going on and avoid stories that aren’t fact checked or well sourced. In addition to the big picture it is also good to be aware of smaller stories of individuals or groups. The following are some links that provide some insight into Ukraine as a country and the current situation.

Regular Updates

Canadian Bible Society Daily Updates (New)

Articles and Information



We have the duty of prayer. We are those who believe in a God who answers prayer and who reigns over all the world. Let us bring the situation to him. Let us pray for those who are at this moment frightened and fearful. Let us pray against those powers who wish for evil to be done. Pray for wisdom and unity among those leaders who must oppose the Russian invasion. Let us remember in prayer that one of the sad predictabilities of warfare is that the unpredictable is inevitable. These are very dangerous times.

Requests and areas to pray for

24/7 Prayer Resources (New)

Bible Society Prayers


Finally, we have a duty to share. One of the very few positive things about this conflict is that it is a reminder that this world is not a playground but a battleground. We will be talking with those who are scared and troubled about the state of the world. In this darkness comes an opportunity to share the light of Christ and the only lasting hope of peace in this world. 

We must also be those who promote truth and not everything we hear or see. We have already seen multiple cases of false information and images that aren’t related to the current situation being shared. Please be careful about sharing any social media posts that can’t be verified as it all feeds into the fear and confusion that is already too great.